
Digital Transformation

The need to re-engineer the workplace has never been greater as businesses try to navigate through the current pandemic situation. The sales, front office and customer facing staff are the backbone for any business, supported by the back office and many on-the-run task workers, such as drivers, shop floor supervisors, and factory employees etc. Despite the critical role they play in the success of their organizations, these core workers are largely left out of technological innovation planning.

Any solution designed to make office workers more agile and provide them with secure access and collaboration tools, should involve them in the decision making, solution design and through the development of the solution, to achieve the target benefits and frontline results. Instead, any solutions planned, designed, and executed in solo, without input and involvement from the entire team, this can lead to dueling governance between managers and the transformation team, a tug war that no one truly wins.

Hence Kolvan evolved an approach that is more inclusive and comprehensive, can not only head off these disputes but create new opportunities for cost optimization, productivity enhancements, and overall profitability. To succeed, however, managers need to understand both the roles and capabilities of their workers before they design, prototype, test, and deploy solutions.

Kolvan’s approach is based on addressing the three important questions
  • Are frontline users of the new solution comfortable with the same?
  • Can the frontline users of the new solution, adapt the new solution and any new equipment, without any or with minimal training?
  • Can the frontline users of the new solution, relate the features and functionality of the new system to their day-to-day responsibilities, hence learn it fast and easy?

Advanced technology, combined with comprehensive vision, can truly transform a workplace. The true impact of workplace transformation can only be unlocked if the best interests of frontline users of the new solution and employees — however big or small their contribution — are aligned with those of senior executives.

Kolvan’s approach starts with the understanding of the vision to the involvement and contribution of various stake holders in defining the requirement for a new solution. Thus, Kolvan’s digital transformation approach ensures the path to success of the new solution is laid out, right from the beginning steps instead of just seeing the transformation as another new solution implementation.

Kolvan’s approach has been implemented successfully for many clients across globe, for technologies spanning Oracle, SAP and Microsoft Dynamics.